Prepare for a lifetime of Christian Ministry
For more than 25 years, Summit has been training young adults in biblical theology, practical leadership and youth ministry skills, as well as outdoor education.
The Summit Program equips young people for a lifetime of ministry. You’ll receive professional training, develop skills in Christian ministry and, most importantly, help share the gospel with over 8,500 school students each year!
Schools ministry Associates Program
A Schools Ministry Associate builds ongoing relationships with high school students through school visits, school events and on camps. They support these students through the high school years, encouraging them to follow Jesus and grow in Him.
Associates visit high school CRU Groups, chapel services and CRU events; lead on schools’ Summit Educational Camps; and lead on a high school CRU Holiday Camp each school holidays.
CRU Camps Ministry Internship
CRU Camps Ministry Interns are trained to direct and speak on existing camps, launch new camp initiatives, encourage follow up and equip volunteers to run evangelistic holiday camps.
The Internship includes Bible college study, and camp involvement each school holidays. Interns grow in practical leadership, hands-on ministry and ministry support skills as they work closely with staff and volunteers to see an increasing number of children and youth experiencing exceptional Christian camps.